L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Negri, A. Poggi, P. Turci, “A Multi-Agent System to Support Remote Software Development”. In Proc. WOA 2004, Torino, Italy, November 2004

L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Poggi, “CAFE – Collaborative Agents for Filtering E-mails”. In Proc. Collaborative Peer to Peer Information Systems (COPS) Workshop – WETICE 2005, Linkoping, Sweden, June 2005

L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Negri, A. Poggi, “Support Remote Software Development in an Open Distributed Community”. In Proc. Agent-Based Systems for Human Learning (ABSHL) Workshop – AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Nederlands, July 2005

L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Negri, A. Poggi, “Agent-based Support for Open Communities”. In Proc. Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS), Budapest, Hungary, September 2005

L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Poggi, “A Collaborative and Multi-Agent Approach to E-mail Filtering”. In Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), Compiègne, France, September 2005

L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Poggi, “A Collaborative and Multi-Agent System for E-mail Filtering and Classification”. In Proc. CollaborateCom 2005, San Jose, USA, December 2005

F. Bergenti, L. Lazzari, M. Mari, A. Poggi, “Enabling Vocal Interaction in a Web Portal Environment”. In Proc. Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), Setubal, Portugal, April 2006

F. Bergenti, L. Lazzari, A. Poggi, “A Multi-Agent Framework to Join DTV and Virtual Communities”, Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC) Workshop – WETICE 2006, Manchester, UK, June 2006

F. Bergenti, L. Lazzari, A. Poggi, “Agent-Based Virtual Communities for Interactive Digital Television”, Workshop from Objects to Agents (WOA), Catania, Italy, September 2006